A legal course on labor dispute settlement

A legal course on labor dispute settlement

  • About Course

    This exceptional legal course shall aid you in the resolution of any labor dispute that may arise, in accordance with the Labor Law and labor rights of the United Arab Emirates. In addition, it shall acquaint you with a myriad of labor dispute techniques that shall distinguish you as a lawyer or legal consultant. Set yourself apart and acquire the savoir-faire to effectively resolve even the most challenging labor disputes, leaving all parties contented, through this expertly crafted course.

  • Learning Outcomes

    Gaining a thorough understanding of the legal text pertaining to the resolution of labor disputes. - Possessing the aptitude and expertise requisite for attaining harmonious and tranquil resolutions of labor disputes. - Familiarizing with the legal principles in labor law, the procedures for conducting labor claims, enforcing labor judgments, and establishing conciliation and reconciliation committees

  • This Course For

    Lawyers - Legal Researchers - Employees of the Ministry of Labor - Legal Consultants - Law students

  • Training Hours

    22 Training hours